The ‘Īao Stream Flood Control Project is located in the town of Wailuku on the island of Maui. It was authorized under Section 203 of the Flood Control Act of 1968 (Public Law 90-483). The project was completed in October 1981 by the Corps. The local sponsor is the County of Maui, Department of Public Works.
The project includes a debris basin, diversion levees and channel improvements (1,100 feet downstream of Market Street Bridge) along the lower 2.5-mile portion of the ‘Īao Stream with a drainage basin of approximately 10 square miles. The project reduces flood damages to the town of Wailuku. To date, the project has prevented over $50 million in damages.
The purpose of the ‘Īao Stream Flood Control Project is to address ongoing flood hazards caused by the long-term damage during repeated floods to the existing project structures since its construction completion and to provide the authorized level of reduced flood risk to Wailuku.