
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is one of the world's premier public engineering, design, and construction management agencies. We serve the American people, striving to provide the most effective engineering and environmental science solutions to the nation's complex problems affecting national security, the economy, and the environment in which we live. USACE manages four program areas that include civil works, military construction, real estate, and research and development. USACE is a key player in all aspects of coastal/water resources engineering, construction, flood control, navigation, disaster response, and military construction activities. In support of other programs, we hire large numbers of environmental science professionals, biologists, physical scientists, geologists, hydrologists, and others.

About Us

  • 37,000 civilian and military employees
  • Develop engineering solutions to our nation’s toughest challenges
  • Civil works projects, military construction, environmental restoration, recreation
  • Work anywhere in the U.S. or other countries (see map)
Types of jobs (select job titles below to view related videos, photos or additional info)

How you can work for us

  • Get a college education in science, technology, engineering or mathematics
  • Part-time and student internships available
  • Apply for Honolulu District Job Openings

Video: I am the Corps

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Truth or Myth?

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Expand List item 21235Collapse List item 21235  I must search multiple Federal agency websites to find announcements of job opportunities?


  • All Federal job announcements must be posted on USAJobs per a Presidential Memorandum, effective November 1, 2010 on Improving the Federal Recruitment and Hiring Process
  • Increase the capacity of USAJobs:
Provide information to improve the recruitment and hiring processes
Notify individuals applying for Federal employment about the status of their application

Expand List item 21236Collapse List item 21236  I must answer I am an ‘Expert’ in order to be referred.


  • USACE-wide, only 12% of applicants indicate themselves to be an expert in all questions.
  • For GS-13/14/15 announcements, only 16% of applicants indicated themselves as expert in all questions.
  • For internal announcements, hiring managers have the flexibility to lower the cut-off score to see applicants who did not indicate themselves as expert.


Expand List item 21237Collapse List item 21237  I will never hear back from anyone once my application is submitted?


  • The application process takes time – have patience
  • Ensure your email information is up to date
  • Use the POC information on the announcement for status updates
  • Applicant pools can vary
  • Consider timeframes for internal hiring processes
  • Check your application status often in USAjobs
Expand List item 21238Collapse List item 21238  If the closing date on a USAJOBS announcement is less than one week, that means the job is earmarked for a particular person.


  • Depending on the anticipated # of applicants,  some jobs may be open for as little as 3 business days.
  • For non-technical entry level positions, there could be hundreds of applicants. 
  • Limiting the announcement open period can help ensure more timely processing of applicants and filling of the position.
Expand List item 21239Collapse List item 21239  Veterans are crowding all others off selection certificates.

It depends

  • For announcements open to the general public, this may apply when recruiting through DEU.
  • For merit promotion announcements, Veterans are allowed to apply, but do not have preference over internal candidates.  They are simply another source of applicants for consideration. 

Career Categories


Contact Information

Workforce Management Office
Building 230
Fort Shafter, HI  96858-5440
(808) 835-4005

Benefit Options

Thrift Savings Plan (TSP)
TSP offers Federal employees the same type of savings and tax benefits many private corporations offer their employees under "401(k)" plans.

Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB)
Compare different available plans, types, premiums and benefits.

Federal Employees' Group Life Insurance (FEGLI)
A group term life insurance program for Federal employees and annuitants.

Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA)
Allows employees to pay for eligible out-of-pocket health care and dependent care expenses with pre-tax dollars.

Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program (FEDVIP)
Compare different available plans, types, premiums and benefits.

Federal Long Term Care Insurance Program (LTCI)
Assisted Living Expenses.

Only site where Federal employees and retirees may enroll in and manage their FEDVIP dental and vision plans.

Employees may enroll in TSP at anytime, however for all other programs enrollment must be completed within 60 days of on-boarding.  More in-depth information may be found at the Army Benefits Center-Civilian website.

Building Strong

Highlights the diverse group of men and women in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. They work in a range of professions as biologists, lock and dam operators, power specialists, physicists, architects, boat captains, park rangers, contract specialists and engineers.