Jill Davis became a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers natural resource specialist and park ranger in 2001 with the Savannah District. She has managed the Honolulu District’s Pacific Regional Visitor Center since 2021, where she educates the public about the Corps’ mission in the Pacific region.
Davis has a bachelor’s degree in political science and public administration from Augusta State University, and a master’s degree in parks and recreation, with a focus on historical archaeology, from Georgia Southern University. Davis is a Georgia Master Naturalist and says that learning about and experiencing the great outdoors has been a lifelong passion — not only academically and professionally, but personally too. Her passions include ornithology, archaeology, scuba diving and, when she’s back in Georgia, white-water rafting.
“As a natural resource specialist, it’s important to me to help provide access to the public to these special, natural habitats and environments, but at the same time, to protect them," Davis said. "Managing these areas responsibly while still providing access is a fine balance.”
As part of the Honolulu District team, Davis coordinates volunteer events, meets with visiting schools and greets guests from around the world, sharing the Corps story and purpose.