News Releases

Administrative Professionals Day Spotlight: Brittany Keyes

Published April 24, 2019
Honolulu District USACE Administrative Day Spotlight
Brittany Keyes, Administrative Assistant

Honolulu District USACE Administrative Day Spotlight Brittany Keyes, Administrative Assistant

Honolulu District USACE Administrative Day Spotlight
Brittany Keyes, Administrative Assistant

Honolulu District USACE Administrative Day Spotlight Brittany Keyes, Administrative Assistant

Honolulu District USACE Administrative Day Spotlight
Brittany Keyes, Administrative Assistant

Honolulu District USACE Administrative Day Spotlight Brittany Keyes, Administrative Assistant

Honolulu District USACE Administrative Day Spotlight
Brittany Keyes, Administrative Assistant

Honolulu District USACE Administrative Day Spotlight Brittany Keyes, Administrative Assistant

  1. What is your name? Brittany Keyes


  2. What is your official title? Administrative Assistant
  3. What office do you work in? Civil and Public Works


  4. What does your job entail? I feel that the goal of any mission is for the execution of it to be as seamless as possible; this is what I strive to do for the Civil and Public Works Branch. My daily goal is to make the load lighter for my coworkers.
  5. What do you find most rewarding about your career? What I find most rewarding in my about my job is the kindness I receive from my coworkers. They consistently show me their appreciation.
  6. What challenges do you encounter when doing your job? The biggest challenge is simply learning something for the first time. Sometimes the simplest task can have the most tedious steps. However, once I’ve learned how to do it, it’s no longer a challenge.
  7. What inspires you or motivates you as you do your job?  I cannot stress enough how wonderful my office coworkers are to me. They are so kind to me and make sure I’m included in everything. They are very giving and encouraging and best of all, they tell me “thank you” daily. Sometimes that “thank you” comes in the form of a high five, or a “you’re the best,” but I’m never confused about what it means. This is what motivates me to come to work every day. I’m always sure that I’m walking into a thriving environment.


  8. What do you like most about working for the Honolulu District? I love the lack of tension in the environment. I feel that no matter how easy or difficult a job is...the environment makes the largest impact on whether or not that job will be done as efficiently as possible.  I also love our commander (LTC Sanborn). The head of an organization has the greatest influence on its environment and I am so grateful to be working under the leadership of someone so calm, personable, and kind.


  9. What was your first job? My very first job was McDonald’s and boy did I love that job! I am a true extrovert who thoroughly enjoys serving people in any capacity. So, to be able to stand at the counter or the drive-thru and greet/serve people all day long was literally my heaven!
  10. What inspires you? I look at myself as an investment. For every friend, family member, teacher, pastor, boss, or stranger, who has given me their time, money, or resources….I want to be a great return on their investment in me. I want to show my appreciation by always being the best that I can be.


  11. What would be your ultimate dream job? I am currently working on my Masters of Social work. Once I have obtained my license, my dream job would be Chief Social Worker for Veterans Affairs.


  12. What do you like to do when you’re not working? When I am not working or doing homework (which is quite often),  I enjoy binge watching my favorite shows or hanging out at the beach with friends.


  13. Fill in the blank: I once met… I once met a stranger on The Great Wall of China. I don’t remember their name or what they looked like, but I specifically remember that as I was talking to them, I thought to myself:  “Wow, we’re really standing here having this casual conversation on The Great Wall.”


  14. If you could pick one superpower, what would it be? To instantly give people joy. Happiness is circumstantial, but joy is an internal peace…and oh what a much more peaceful world it would be if everyone had joy.


  15. What is your favorite quote? Why?“ If you want to walk on water, you’ve got to get out of the boat.” – John Ortberg This is my favorite because it reminds me that in order to obtain all these grand hopes and dreams I have….I’ve got to put in the work and it’s not always going to be a comfortable ride, but I must keep the end goal in mind.


Bryanna R. Poulin

Release no. 19-020