News Releases

Corps of Engineers Regulatory Outreach to American Samoa

Published July 22, 2011

FORT SHAFTER, HI -- In a continuing effort to help the people of American Samoa, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Honolulu District recently held two outreach workshops for the territorial government on how the Corps’ Regulatory Program works and how to best work with Corps Regulators.

The Regulatory permit program protects both the environment and property owners' rights by making fair, timely decisions on development plans in areas where the Corps has jurisdiction.

The workshops, held July 13 and 14 and coordinated through the American Samoa Departments of Commerce and Public Works, were designed to inform American Samoa government officials about the Corps’ Regulatory Program, and especially how the Corps processes permit applications, according to George Young, chief of the District’s Regulatory Branch.

The first workshop was held at the Executive Office Building with members of the Project Notification and Review System Board , plus directors of Commerce, Parks and Recreation, American Samoa Historic Preservation, Marine and Wildlife, America Samoa Environmental Protection Agency, Public Works and representatives from Public Health, American Samoa Power Authority and the Federal Highway Administration.

According to Young, the focus of the workshop was to provide an overview of the re-issuance of 2012 Department of the Army Nationwide Permits (which are issued by the Corps' Headquarters in Washington, D.C), issuance of two new Nationwide Permits and a discussion of proposed regional conditions and comments received to date from other reviewing agencies. The workshop generated discussion and interest from Board members and the Corps expects receiving comments on the Nationwide Permits from the Board.

The second workshop was held at the Department of Public Works and presented general information on Department of the Army permit requirements, processes, types of permits and information needed to process the permits.

In attendance, were representatives from the Departments of Port Administration, Public Works and the American Samoa Power Authority. The workshop was followed by a question and answer period that focused on project specific questions.

Based on the participation and input received over the course of the workshops and visit in American Samoa, the Corps believes that there is now a better understanding of the Regulatory process and required information applicants need to provide to help streamline the processing of permit applications.
For more information on the District’s Regulatory Program, please visit the District’s website at: or call the Regulatory Branch at 808-438-9258 or 808-438-2039.


Joseph Bonfiglio
or Dino Buchanan

Release no. 16-11