Heeia Combat Training Area
The former Heeia Combat Training Area (CTA) is located on the Windward side of Oahu Island, Hawaii.
The Heeia CTA FUDS consists of about 200 acres in Heeia Kea and 2,254 acres in Waihee and Kaalaea Valleys, Kahaluu. This area was utilized by the U.S. Army, during World War II between 1943 and 1945, as an encampment for troops, an ammunition storage facility, a firing range, and as a maneuver and artillery impact area for jungle and assault training.
Currently, the property is largely undeveloped with pockets of residential, agricultural, and recreational areas. In 1994, The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers determined this site to be eligible for the Defense Environmental Restoration Program/Formerly Used Defense Site. After an award for $1.6 million, field investigations commenced at the site, in April 2003, revealing items such as rockets, tank fire and hand grenades at the FUDS.
Based on the findings of the EE/CA, a removal action was conducted over 70 acres of the Heeia Kea parcel of the Heeia CTA resulting in the discovery and disposal of 21 munitions and explosives of concern (MEC) items.
A contract for a Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study was awarded in 2015 with field work completed in 2017. Rights of Entry are currently being acquired for the area to conduct additional fieldwork.
Figure 1. Heeia Kea Training Area Boundaries
Pali Training Camp
The former Pali Training Camp (TC) is located on the Windward side of Oahu Island, Hawaii.
The Pali TC FUDS is comprised of approximately 4,400 acres that were used by the military during World War II between 1943 and 1945 as a regimental combat team training center for jungle and ranger training. The primary area of concern is about 1,500 acres located at the base of the Pali in Maunawili Valley- an area that was formerly established as an artillery impact area.
Currently, the property is largely undeveloped with pockets of residential, agricultural, and recreational areas. In 1994, The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers determined this site to be eligible for the Defense Environmental Restoration Program/Formerly Used Defense Site. After an award for $1.6 million, field investigations commenced at the site, in April 2003, revealing items such as mortars and projectiles at the site.
Based on the findings of the EE/CA, a removal action was conducted over 40 acres of the Maunawili Impact Area of the Pali TC resulting in the discovery and disposal of 26 munitions and explosives of concern (MEC) items.
A Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study (RI/FS) to characterize the nature and extent of any munitions or munitions related contamination was conducted in 2013-2014 resulting in the discovery and disposal of seven (7) MEC items. Remedial alternatives were developed and evaluated in a Feasibility Study in 2015. A Proposed Plan meeting was held, and the remedy selected. The Remedial Action is scheduled to start in 2026.