Project Location. The former Makanalua Bombing Range, also known as Kalaupapa Bombing Target and Kalaupapa Naval Bombing Range, is located on the north central coast of the island of Molokai, Hawaii, southeast of the Kalaupapa Airport and east of the Molokai Lighthouse within Kalaupapa National Historical Park on the Makanalua Peninsula see Figure 2.
Property and Project History. In 1941, the Territory of Hawaii issued a permit to the U.S. Navy (Navy) to use the area for aerial bombing. Typical aircraft involved in the training were Hellcats, Wildcats, Dauntless, and Corsairs. Active bombing practice took place between 1942 and 1945. In 1946, the land was returned to the Territory (subsequently State) of Hawaii. The land is currently owned by the State of Hawaii, and managed by the US National Park Service, State of Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, and State of Hawaii Department of Health. The USACE conducted both an Inventory Project Report (INPR) (equivalent to a CERCLA Preliminary Assessment (PA)) in 1990 and a Site Inspection (SI) in 2009 for this Munitions Response Site. Munitions and Explosives of Concern (MEC) and munitions debris (MD) were reported during the INPR site visit and SI field work activities, see figure 3. Due to the SI findings the site was recommended to move into the RI/FS phase of the CERCLA process.
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) has completed a Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study (RI/FS) at the former Makanalua Bombing Range (MBR), Molokai, Hawaii (FUDS Property No. H09HI0203). The MBR RI/FS was performed under the authority of the Defense Environmental Restoration Program for Formerly Used Defense Sites (DERP-FUDS). During the RI/FS a total of 99 Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) items and 1.024 pounds of munitions debris (MD) was found and disposed of off the site. The UXO and MD found was practice bombs of the following types: AN-Mk5, AN-Mk19, AN-Mk23, and AN-Mk43. No high explosive ordnance was found during the RI. Figure 1 shows the locations of where the munitions were found and from this information it can be determined the size of the area that is recommended for further cleanup. For more detailed information please refer to the RI Report located at the Molokai Public Library. The FS evaluated the information from the RI and developed seven alternatives that would meet the requirements found in the National Contingency Plan. Each alternative is evaluated to determine its protectiveness of human health and the environment to be eligible for selection as the remedy. The seven alternatives evaluated range from alternative number 1 - No Action (required) to alternative number 7 Unlimited Use/Unlimited Exposure. To review the seven alternatives please refer to the FS document located in the Molokai Public Library.