Permit Requirements
Before a permit is issued or verified, the Corps must ensure that we've met all of our obligations under any related federal and state laws. The amount and complexity of any additional information needed depends on the project type and location. This means the Corps may ask for more information from the applicant, or the applicant may need to give more information to another agency. In some cases, it's solely the applicant’s responsibility to obtain other authorizations. When related to the Corps authorization, the Corps will inform you of other agencies’ requirements as soon as possible and work with you to fulfill those requirements as expeditiously as possible.
Projects that require a Corps permit only
If your project does not require a permit from the DSL you may complete the application for a Corps permit only.
Corps’ Permit Application
Projects that require Corps Nationwide Permit verification only
If your project does not require a permit from the DSL and you are submitting for potential Nationwide Permit verification, you may complete the Corps-only pre-construction notification form.
Pre-Construction Notification Form (If you receive an error opening in your browser, right-click to save to your computer)
A permit application must include the following drawings in the correct format (see drawing format requirements below):
• Location map
• Site plan
• Cross-section drawings
The Corps may require a wetland delineation which is document that clearly defines the boundaries of any waters that might be affected. It includes all wetlands, streams and other bodies of water in your project area. Completing a wetland delineation requires expertise and may require professional assistance. Contact your local Corps office for more information on wetland delineations.