Generally, an EIS is prepared by a qualified environmental contractor chosen by the Corps, with the applicant responsible for the cost of preparation. When the Corps determines an EIS is necessary for a proposed action, the applicant will be notified in writing and requested to provide at least three (3) qualified third-party contractors who could prepare the EIS, in order of preference to the Corps. The contractor should have experience with NEPA and the Corps regulatory program. The Corps will choose the first qualified contractor on the list and notify the applicant of the choice. The Corps will work with the applicant and the contractor to prepare a Statement of Responsibilities and Scope of Work for the EIS preparation. As the lead Federal agency, the Corps is responsible for the preparation and content of the EIS to ensure an independent review. Although the applicant incurs the cost of the preparation of the EIS, the contractor is under the sole direction of the Corps, and will have limited interaction with the applicant.
Following selection of the third-party contractor, the Corps will initiate the scoping process by publishing a Notice of Intent (NOI) to prepare an EIS in the Federal Register (FR), and issue public notice. The NOI is intended to solicit from the public factors to consider in the EIS. Based on comments received during scoping, the EIS will be prepared by the contractor. When ready, the Draft EIS (DEIS) is released to the public through a Notice of Availability (NOA) published in the Federal Register by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). The Corps will also publish a public notice for the proposed action and the DEIS, which will be sent to all adjacent property owners, interested agencies and the public, and will be posted on our website. The public will be given a specific period in which to comment on the DEIS. Following the close of the comment period of the DEIS, the Final EIS (FEIS) is completed based on comments received. The FEIS is then released to the public through a NOA published in the Federal Register by the USEPA and the Corps will publish a public notice. The public will be given a minimum of thirty days to comment on the FEIS. Following the close of the comment period on the FEIS, if all information has been received to make a permit decision, the Corps will prepare a Record of Decision (ROD) for the action. A public notice will be published following the completion of the ROD.