Public Notices Manager

GP 2011-001

Published April 11, 2017
Expiration date: 9/13/2017

                                                                          FEDERAL PUBLIC NOTICE
                                                      EXTENSION OF GENERAL PERMIT 2011-001 FOR
                                       MAINTENANCE CLEARING OF RIVERS, STREAMS, STORM DRAINS
                                                        AND BEACH AREAS IN THE STATE OF HAWAII

Interested parties are hereby notified that the Honolulu District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers administratively extends General Permit (GP) 2011-001, Maintenance Clearing of Rivers, Streams, Storm Drains, and Beach Areas in the State of Hawaii (as modified) for six (6) months, expiring on October 13, 2017. GP 2011-001 is issued under Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 (33 U.S.C. 403), and authorizes maintenance clearing of rivers, streams, and storm drains, and beach areas in waters of the United States, including navigable waters in the State of Hawaii, subject to the specifications and limitations specified in the GP.

A copy of the extended general permit is attached to this Public Notice. Reference Section 4, Conditions of the Regional General Permit, for information regarding procedures to apply for authorization under this GP.

Further information may be obtained by writing to the address at the top of this notice, or by email at or by telephone at (808) 835-4303.