Announcing the Honolulu District's Regional Conditions to the 2021 Nationwide Permits
On December 27, 2021, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) published a final rule in the Federal Register (86 FR 73522) announcing the reissuance of 40 existing nationwide permits (NWPs) and one new NWP. These 41 NWPs will go into effect on February 25, 2022, and they will expire on March 14, 2026.
The Corps and EPA will be hosting a virtual meeting for applicants on February 24, 2022, 1:00–2:30 pm Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time to discuss the 2021 NWPs, Clean Water Act 401 implementation, and Waters of the U.S. regulation changes. If you wish to attend, please register by February 22, 2022, at
If you have any questions, please contact the Regulatory Office at 808-835-4303