Expiration date: 5/5/2016
Interested parties are hereby notified that an application has been received for a Department of the Army (DA) permit for certain work in waters of the United States as described below and shown on the attached drawings. The Guam Fisherman’s Cooperative Association (GFCA) has requested reauthorization of their Department of the Army (DA) permit to reconstruct the existing GFCA facility. The proposed reconstruction will include the construction a new 215 linear foot (LF) vessel mooring dock and 110 LF gabion baskets shoreline stabilization and they have proposed to conduct maintenance dredging of the 8,600 square foot (SF) area in front the proposed vessel mooring dock for improved navigational access. The project details are depicted on the attached project plans (Enclosure 1). The primary purpose of the project is to provide island residents, fishermen, and visitors with an updated and safer fish processing and retail facility and to combat erosion of the existing shoreline.