
Vatia Area

The Vatia Shore Protection Project is located on the island of Tutuila, American Samoa. The project was authorized in July 1975 under Section 103a of the River and Harbor Act of 1962, as amended. The Department of Public Works, American Samoa Government is the local sponsor and owner, responsible to operate and maintain the project. The project is in the operations and maintenance phase.

The project was completed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in October 1977 at a total cost of $264,150 ($132,075 Federal; $132,075 non-Federal). The project provides for a 595-foot-long armor stone revetment with a crest elevation of 13.5 feet and side slope of 1 Vertical to 2 Horizontal. In 2011, a portion of the revetment disappeared.  Shortly thereafter, in 2012, a fale (structure) for canoe storage was constructed atop the location of the missing revetment and a boat launch ramp was constructed seaside to the revetment.  This modification to the shore protection structure has not been permitted. The purpose of the project is to reduce coastal hazard impacts to Vatia village.

Annual inspections are conducted by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers with the American Samoa Government to ensure the project is performing as intended.

Vatia Village is surrounded by the National Park of American Samoa. The road to Vatia is the only road which goes through the national park.