The Namo River Flood Control project is on the west coast of Guam about 10 miles south of Agana. It was authorized under Section 205 of the Flood Control Act of 1948 and completed in September 1979. The project consists of channel improvements for the lower 2,000-foot reach of the river, and flood plain management for the area extending from the upper part of the channel improvement to the existing Agat-Santa Rita Bridge. Channel improvements include realignment and enlargement of the existing river; lining the channel with riprap; providing a stub outlet channel on the upstream side of the Route 2 bridge; and a levee on the north bank of an unnamed tributary.
The project was completed in September 1979 and a storm drain modification was completed in September 1981 for the Government of Guam, Department of Public Works. Total project cost was $2,416,314 (Federal). There are approximately 2,500 homes within the project area. To date, the project has prevented more than $1.59 million in damages.