US Army Corps of Engineers
Honolulu District Website


Waimea River

The Waimea River Flood Control Project is located on the southwest coast of Kauai and it was authorized in May 1983 under Section 205 of the Flood Control Act of 1948. The project was completed in December 1984 at a cost of $3,272,000 (Federal: $3,212,400; non-Federal $60,000). The original levee was constructed by the County of Kauai in 1951.

The project was Federally modified and consists of 3,320 linear feet of cement-rubble-masonry floodwalls, 1,030 linear feet of levee toward the mouth of the river, 4,600 feet of rock protection along the levee toe, a 500-foot road section at the upstream end of the project, and floodgates. The project was funded in the fiscal year 1983 Jobs Bill.

This project provides flood damage reduction to the Waimea community from periodic flooding of the Waimea River. Approximately 614 homes and commercial buildings are currently protected by the project. The local sponsor is the County of Kauai, Department of Public Works.